Monday, August 17, 2009

Nationalized Healthcare

Bottom line, nationalizing healthcare is Unconstitutional under the equal protection clause, the 9th,10th, 11th and 14th Amendments.

Far from debating page by page, as the congressmen get up to sell this snake oil, the people should be clear and firm in their demand that the whole nationalization plan be tossed.

And this should be but the first volley.

Demand a repeal of the laws that have nationalized banks, auto manufactures, stimulous, etc. on the same grounds. From there, the repeal of each unconsitutional legislation, a process which Congress has escalated since the signing of NAFTA on the same grounds.

DEMAND Congress to DEMAND consitutional oversight/balance of power. These Czars answerable ONLY to the president are unconsitutional and we MUST get them removed.

Not ask, DEMAND. Pelosi, Napolitano, Obama ARE right. From their POV we ARE terrorists, we have the doomsday weapon that terrorizes them and against which they are defenseless.

That weapon is the Consitution of the USA. USE IT! WE MUST protect the Consitution that protects us.

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