- You may know that aliens - illegal or otherwise - will be entitlted to the same benefits Joe Citizen is entitled to, but did you know that aliens will not be required to pay any taxes?For them free health care is truly free - but not for our own citizens.
- Employers will be required to supply part time employees and their families health care insurance. Wonder what that will do for the unemployment rate?
- The government will require you have a national ID that records your health history.
- The government will have full electronic access to all your finances via your bank accounts and any other means you may have. They will control what you buy and sell.
- Doctors investments and property will be subject to approval.
- Not put quite this way, but in essence your life will be pro-rated (like tires) and the amount of services you receive will be based on the number of expected years you have left.
In the words of Jerry Sienfeld - Yadda, Yadda, Yadda.
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