Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Looking at his deeds and not his words...

Health Care? Perhaps if you have Frankenstian tendencies. But what would you expect from a President whose Job Stimulus program increases unemployment, and whose non-involvement in the auto industry means replacing their CEO and having his staff call that CEO every day?

If this President tells you there will be peace in the city - run for the hills.!

This is a man whose Science Czar wrote a book supporting population control and advocating taking babies from teenage mothers. Our President is a man that voted that babies born as a result of a botched abortion should be left somewhere to die - denied medical attention. He is a man that purports to have a heart to take care of the poor and indigent but has an aunt living in public housing in Boston.

So, is this a man you would trust with your health and the health of your family?

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