Friday, August 7, 2009

My Cross Isn't Broken

By now you must have seen the clip of Nancy Pelosi saying tea party patriots go to town hall meetings sporting swastikas. As a committed Christian, I strongly object to that - the cross I carry isn't twisted. However, Ms. Pelosi's view of the world is.

Aren't you getting tired of all the name calling and insults? I guess that's easier for them to do than defend their politics. Nowadays the left can even find something to criticize if you dress with a certain amount of class. If so, you are called a Brooks Brothers Protester - and this from elitists - the very same people who praise Michelle Obama's extravagant wardrobe choices, including her $6,000 clutch purse she wore in Russia. These are the same people who criticized the automaker CEO's for traveling to Washington to ask for a bailout, but they travel the world in private jets, some of which have been paid for with your taxpayers.

Let's face it, nothing we can do or say will make a favorable impact on these people. Their logic is non-existent and they see the world through their elitist eyes, which entitles them to the very same things they say you should be sacrificing. This is why they exempt themselves from the Health Care plan they are attempting to force upon us. And it is why men like Al Gore can travel the world telling everyone how they need to conserve energy and reduce their carbon footprint when he consumes more than the average person uses in a month...but he's Al Gore and he's entitled - but us peons - we're not! Can't help but think about Marie Antoinette saying to the starving masses as she feasted with her fellow elitists, "Let them eat cake." Too bad Al Gore and his cronies don't remember what happened to Marie Antoinette!

Histories lessons can be provactive. Remember the Roman Empire and their elitist Senators. Many believe these legislators were so out of touch that it was the main reason Rome fell. Al Gore, Nanci Pelosi, and the rest of the powers that be can't seem to learn or refuse to learn their lessons from history. This means the future of our country rests on the shoulders of We the People and our resolve to restore the principles of government that secured our liberties and provided an environment conducive to prosperity.

We are fighting for the future of our country and all the libs can seem to do is call us names and mock every honest and sincere argument we raise. But our day is fast approaching - we call it "Election Day" and it's the day we remind them who really owns this country!

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