Monday, August 24, 2009

Charity Begins at Home - but Not for BO

Growing up we often heard the phrase, do as I say not as I do. We may giggle when we hear these words, but it is not a laughing matter. People who profess one ideology while practing another are nothing more than self-delusional hypocrites. RoseAnn 1:1 states: "Hypocrites you will have with you always." It is an unfortunate part of human nature, but it is even more objectionable when men and women who are supposed to represent the best of who we are and who we aspire to be, turn out to be hypocrites extraordinaire. These are people who make sweeping grandiose statements that are usually not accompanied by their actions. Chief among these despicable elitists is our 44th President.

Recently a friend who wishes to remain anonymous, sent me the statistics about our President's charitable giving history. I think you will find it interesting. In an excerpt from a Conservapedia article, he writes:

In August of 2008 the NY Daily News reported the following concerning Obama and his
half- brother, George Obama:

"Barack Obama wants to live int he White House - but his youngest half-brother lives
in the poorhouse.

George Obama, one of the candidate's seven living half-siblings, lives on pennies a
month in a hut in Africa, the Italian edition of Vanity Fair revealed.

'He (George Obama) lives on the outskirts of Nairobi in a 65-square-foot shack...

I live here on less than a dollar a month,' he (George Obama) said."

Asked by Harry Smith from CBS about Obama leaving the campaign to visit his ailing grand-
mother, Obama replied, 'Yeah, well the -- I think most people understand that if you're not
caring for your family, then you're probably not the kind of person who's going to be caring
for other people."

I guess either BO doesn't consider his half-brother George family, or this is just another instance of BO misspeaking (the rest of us call it "lying").

In his Conservapedia article, my friend reported that BO gave less than 2% in the years 2000-2004, even though he earned $250,000 per year. In the years 2000-2002, BO gave less than 1% of his income to charity (some of the same charities he will compel us to contribute to through taxes - even those we do not morally agree with). Since becoming a national figure, that amount has jumped to 6%. Below are the percentages my friend reported BO contributed to charities while he was earning $250,000/year:

  • 2000: 0.9%
  • 2001: 0.5%
  • 2002: 0.4%
  • 2003: 1.4%
  • 2004: 1.2%
  • 2005: 4.7%
  • 2006: 6.1%

The American people are the most generous people in the world - but the same rules don't seem to apply to the elitists who supposedly represent us in government. The argument of "give your money to the poor or needy" isn't a new one. Judas Iscariot, the man who betrayed Jesus, was an apostle who controlled the money box. He made a similar argument when Mary used expensive perfume to wash the feet of Jesus before He was crucified. Judas said that the perfume could have been sold and the money given to the poor. The Bible tells us that he had no intention of giving the money to the poor but wanted to keep it for himself.

It seems there is nothing new under the sun. As I said at the beginning of this blog, hypocrites you will have with you always. BO may be many things, but as far as I am concerned, he certainly qualifies as a hypocrite - at least when I'm feeling charitable that is.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Nationalized Healthcare

Bottom line, nationalizing healthcare is Unconstitutional under the equal protection clause, the 9th,10th, 11th and 14th Amendments.

Far from debating page by page, as the congressmen get up to sell this snake oil, the people should be clear and firm in their demand that the whole nationalization plan be tossed.

And this should be but the first volley.

Demand a repeal of the laws that have nationalized banks, auto manufactures, stimulous, etc. on the same grounds. From there, the repeal of each unconsitutional legislation, a process which Congress has escalated since the signing of NAFTA on the same grounds.

DEMAND Congress to DEMAND consitutional oversight/balance of power. These Czars answerable ONLY to the president are unconsitutional and we MUST get them removed.

Not ask, DEMAND. Pelosi, Napolitano, Obama ARE right. From their POV we ARE terrorists, we have the doomsday weapon that terrorizes them and against which they are defenseless.

That weapon is the Consitution of the USA. USE IT! WE MUST protect the Consitution that protects us.

Friday, August 7, 2009

My Cross Isn't Broken

By now you must have seen the clip of Nancy Pelosi saying tea party patriots go to town hall meetings sporting swastikas. As a committed Christian, I strongly object to that - the cross I carry isn't twisted. However, Ms. Pelosi's view of the world is.

Aren't you getting tired of all the name calling and insults? I guess that's easier for them to do than defend their politics. Nowadays the left can even find something to criticize if you dress with a certain amount of class. If so, you are called a Brooks Brothers Protester - and this from elitists - the very same people who praise Michelle Obama's extravagant wardrobe choices, including her $6,000 clutch purse she wore in Russia. These are the same people who criticized the automaker CEO's for traveling to Washington to ask for a bailout, but they travel the world in private jets, some of which have been paid for with your taxpayers.

Let's face it, nothing we can do or say will make a favorable impact on these people. Their logic is non-existent and they see the world through their elitist eyes, which entitles them to the very same things they say you should be sacrificing. This is why they exempt themselves from the Health Care plan they are attempting to force upon us. And it is why men like Al Gore can travel the world telling everyone how they need to conserve energy and reduce their carbon footprint when he consumes more than the average person uses in a month...but he's Al Gore and he's entitled - but us peons - we're not! Can't help but think about Marie Antoinette saying to the starving masses as she feasted with her fellow elitists, "Let them eat cake." Too bad Al Gore and his cronies don't remember what happened to Marie Antoinette!

Histories lessons can be provactive. Remember the Roman Empire and their elitist Senators. Many believe these legislators were so out of touch that it was the main reason Rome fell. Al Gore, Nanci Pelosi, and the rest of the powers that be can't seem to learn or refuse to learn their lessons from history. This means the future of our country rests on the shoulders of We the People and our resolve to restore the principles of government that secured our liberties and provided an environment conducive to prosperity.

We are fighting for the future of our country and all the libs can seem to do is call us names and mock every honest and sincere argument we raise. But our day is fast approaching - we call it "Election Day" and it's the day we remind them who really owns this country!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

A Few Things You Might Not Know About Health Care

Our elected officials might not be reading the proposed Health Care Bill, but many of our citizens have - and what they're finding will make your hair stand on end. Here's a few of the more obscure and little discussed points:
  • You may know that aliens - illegal or otherwise - will be entitlted to the same benefits Joe Citizen is entitled to, but did you know that aliens will not be required to pay any taxes?For them free health care is truly free - but not for our own citizens.
  • Employers will be required to supply part time employees and their families health care insurance. Wonder what that will do for the unemployment rate?
  • The government will require you have a national ID that records your health history.
  • The government will have full electronic access to all your finances via your bank accounts and any other means you may have. They will control what you buy and sell.
  • Doctors investments and property will be subject to approval.
  • Not put quite this way, but in essence your life will be pro-rated (like tires) and the amount of services you receive will be based on the number of expected years you have left.

In the words of Jerry Sienfeld - Yadda, Yadda, Yadda.

Looking at his deeds and not his words...

Health Care? Perhaps if you have Frankenstian tendencies. But what would you expect from a President whose Job Stimulus program increases unemployment, and whose non-involvement in the auto industry means replacing their CEO and having his staff call that CEO every day?

If this President tells you there will be peace in the city - run for the hills.!

This is a man whose Science Czar wrote a book supporting population control and advocating taking babies from teenage mothers. Our President is a man that voted that babies born as a result of a botched abortion should be left somewhere to die - denied medical attention. He is a man that purports to have a heart to take care of the poor and indigent but has an aunt living in public housing in Boston.

So, is this a man you would trust with your health and the health of your family?